Theme Docs

Get familiar with the basic setup and options of Eon theme. Customer support is provided through our Envato item page contact form.

Theme installation

Install the dependencies with Bundler:

bundle install

Run the following to generate your site:

bundle exec jekyll serve

You can find more on Deployment Methods page on Jekyll website.

Basic theme setup

Site URL

The base hostname and protocol for your site. If you’re hosting with GitHub Pages this will be something like url: "" or url: "" if you have a custom domain name.

url:                    ""

Site base URL

If you want to host your site in a subfolder (eg: /blog) set it as baseurl: "/blog".

Site and author details

Add your site and author details in _config.yml:

title:                  Eon
description:            Multipurpose Jekyll theme.

# Default author settings
  name:                 Pete Seth
  avatar:               avatar-tom.png
  title:                Support     

Update favicon

You can find the current favicon (favicon.png) inside the theme /uploads/ directory, just replace it with your new favicon.

The theme uses two logo files one dark for display on light backgrounds and one light logo for display on dark backgrounds. If you don’t intend to use dark navigation backgrounds you don’t need to upload the light logo. Add your logo image files to /uploads/ directory, then specify the logo files in _config.yml:

logo:                   logo-dark.svg
logo_light:             logo-light.svg

If logo image files are not set, the site title text is displayed instead.

There are two navigation bar layouts default or center, the default layout offers left, center or right aligned navigation with logo on the left, the center layout display logo in the center and navigation link on the left and right.

Set navbar layout options in _config.yml, these setting can be overridden on per page basis in page front matter:

  layout:               default   # Options: default, center
  color:                dark      # Text color, Options: dark or light
  animation:            true
  sticky:               true
  search:               false
  scroll_up:            true
  transparent:          true
  transparent_color:    light  

Set in the main navigation links in _data/base/navbar.yml:

  - title: About
    url: /about/
  - title: About
    url: /about/
  - title: About
    url: /about/

To display a link as a button use:

- title: Contact
  url: /contact/
  button: success

All available button styles:

- title: Changelog
  url: /contact/
  button: default

- title: Contact
  url: /contact/
  button: primary

- title: Changelog
  url: /contact/
  button: secondary

- title: Contact
  url: /contact/
  button: danger

- title: Changelog
  url: /contact/
  button: success

- title: Contact
  url: /contact/
  button: warning

- title: Changelog
  url: /contact/
  button: primary-outline

- title: Contact
  url: /contact/
  button: danger-outline

- title: Changelog
  url: /contact/
  button: success-outline

- title: Contact
  url: /contact/
  button: warning-outline

Mobile navigation

Set in the mobile navigation links in _data/base/mobile.yml:

- title: About
  url: /about/

Page headers offer numerous content, layout and styling options.

Background options

Set header background color, image, video and overlar color:

  background_color:     "#1B33BF"
  background_image:     working-space.jpg
  background_align:     center-center # Image position, Options: center-center, top-center, bottom-center, center-right, center-left
  background_video:     working-space.mp4
  background_overlay:   "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"

Upload images and videos to /uploads/ directory.

Content options

  layout:               1-1           # Options: left, center, 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 or 2-3. Left, right options display this pages title and subtitle. 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 or 2-3 options display content of block file/s.
  color:                light         # Content font color, Options: light, dark
  header_size:         large         # Content top and bottom padding, Options: small, medium, large
  heading_size:         medium        # Title size, Options: small, medium, large
  height:               full          # Enable viewport height, Options: full
  parallax:             true          # Enable content parallax, Options: true
  container:            small         # Content width, Options: expand, small, xsmall
  content:                            # Source block file for first column if layout set to 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 or 2-3
    block:              header-one    # Reference block file e.g. for _blocks/ enter header-one
  content-2:                          # Source block file for second column if layout is set to 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 or 2-3
    block:              header-two    # Reference block file e.g. for _blocks/ enter header-two 
    title:              false         # Do not display block title, Options: false

Edit footer layout, background color style and copyright notice in _config.yml:

  style:                secondary     # default, muted, primary, secondary
  layout:               columns       # center or columns
  copyright:            Made by a <a href="">human</a>.

Set in the footer navigation links in _data/base/mobile.yml. There are two footer layouts center or columns, the layout is set in _config.yml. Set the footer links under the chosen footer layout variable:

The center layout has one horizontal navigation:

  - title: Services
    url: /services/

The columns layout offers multiple (up to six) columns of navigation links:

  - title: COLUMN ONE
      - title: Marketing Tools
        url: /#
      - title: Presentations
        url: /#
      - title: Professionals
  - title: COLUMN TWO
      - title: Small Businesses
        url: /#
      - title: Photographers
        url: /#
      - title: Restaurants

Page width and sidebars

Page container width

Width of the page content, the following page widths are available:

  • full suitable when adding full browser width sections to a page
  • expand full browser width with horizontal padding
  • small small container
  • xsmall extra small container

Set page width by adding the following to page front matter block:

width:                full

Add sidebar to a page by adding the following to page front matter block: Set page width by adding the following to page front matter block:

  right:              sidebar-left
  left:               sidebar-right

Sidebar widgets are defined in _data/base/sidebar.yml data file, the following widgets are available:


  - widget:           latest        # Display list of latest posts
    type:             posts         # Post type: posts
    count:            15            # Number of posts to display
    title:            Latest Posts

  - widget:           author        # Display user information
    author:           john          # User variable from _config.yml 'authors' setting

  - widget:           tagged        # Display list of posts by tag
    type:             posts         # Post type: posts
      title:          Product news
      tag:            news          # Display post tagged with 'news' tag
    secondary:                      # Optional second tab
      title:          Editor picks
      tag:            pick          # Display post tagged with 'pick' tag

  - widget:           navigation    # Navigation links widget
    - title:          Pages         
        - title:      Portfolio
          url:        /portfolio/
        - title:      Blog
          url:        /blog/

  - widget:           block         # Display contents of a block file
    block:            block-1       # Block _blocks/ file to display
    title:            Content of a block


The section is a wrapper around piece of included content that allows setting custom backgrounds and layout options. Section options are defined as attributed in include, for example:

Image include without a section wrapper:

{% include image.html 
  alt="Some alt title"

Image include with a section wrapper, includes all options for demonstration:

{% include image.html 
  alt="Some alt title"
  section_title="Section title" 
  section_subtitle="Section subtitle" 
  section_overlay="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"


Attribute Description Choices
section_size Section size (top and bottom padding) required to enable section xsmall, small, medium, large, xlarge
section_title Optional section title string
section_subtitle Optional section subtitle string
section_header_align Aligns section title and subtitle left, center, right
section_header_color Section title and subtitle font color light, hex or rgb color value
section_background Section background color muted, primary, secondary, hex or rgb color value
section_image Background image Image file name (upload image to /uploads/ directory), external image URL
section_image_align Background image position center-center, top-center, bottom-center, center-right, center-left
section_video Background video MP4 file name, (upload video to /uploads/ directory), external video URL
section_overlay Background overlay color rgba color value
section_container Content container width expand, small, xsmall
section_content_align Content alignment left, center, right
section_content_color Content font color light, hex or rgb color value

Introduction to blocks

Theme uses blocks as source of content for many includes. Blocks is a Jekyll collection with its posts in _blocks directory. Some includes such as call to action will pull content only from one block post e.g.:

{% include cta.html 

The above include references cta-2 as block source, this displays contents of _blocks/ file.

Other includes such as gallery, cards or sliders display contents of multiple block posts ordered by file name e.g.:

{% include cards.html 

The above include references feature as block source, this displays contents of all files that have feature as a part of their filename:


All the above files would display as cards (one file per card) ordered from 1 to 6.


Use the following include to add cards to a page:

{% include cards.html 


Attribute Description Choices
block Block posts to display block file name without extension e.g. to display and as cards, reference block="home-card"
media Alignment of media (image or icon) left, top, right
card_style Card style default, primary, secondary, leave blank for borderless style
grid Display cards in columns 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6
gutter Spacing between columns small, medium, large, collapse, leave blank for default

Example of card block post with image media, upload the image to /uploads/ directory:

title: Are of brief house annoyed
image: card-2.jpeg

Suspendisse quis turpis quis, semper consequat vehicula dolor consequat quam, ac consequat posuere leo dapibus.

Example of card block post with icon media, use one of the icons from _includes/icons/ directory or add your own:

title: Navbar
icon: ios-navigation-toolbar-top.svg

Fixed or sticky navbar with left, center, and right aligned navigation.


Use the following include to add an image to a page:

{% include image.html 
  alt="Alt for image"
  caption="Caption example"


Attribute Description Choices
src Image file source image file name, upload the image to /uploads/ directory or external image URL
alt Image alt text string
align Align within text left, right
caption Image caption string
lightbox Display image in popup lightbox on a click true


Use the following include to add a slider to a page:

{% include slider.html 


Attribute Description Choices
block Block posts to display block file name without extension
color Enable light font color for dark content light
display_title Disable slide title false
autoplay Auto slide slider true
sets Slide slides in sets true
navigation Display navigation outside of slides outside
dotnav Enable dot navigation true
grid Display slides in columns 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6
gutter Spacing between columns small, medium, large, collapse, leave blank for default
card_style Display slides as card style default, primary, secondary, leave blank for borderless style
media Alignment of card media (image or icon) if card_style attribute used left, top, right

Example of slide block post, upload the image to /uploads/ directory:

title: Are of brief house annoyed
image: card-2.jpeg

Gallery include displays images in a specific directory as a gallery. Use the following include to add a gallery to a page:

{% include gallery.html 


Attribute Description Choices
gallery Reference a gallery directory name containing images directory name e.g. gallery="gallery-1" for /uploads/gallery-1/
grid Display slides in columns 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6
gutter Spacing between columns small, medium, large, collapse, leave blank for default
caption Image caption created from the file name true
lightbox Display image in popup lightbox on a click true

Instagram feed

Display the latest images from your Instagram account. Generate Instagram access token here: and set the token in _config.yml:

instagram_accesstoken:  x8dnfii4489rhfhrufh4dd

Use the following include to add an Instagram feed to a page:

{% include instagram.html 


Attribute Description Choices
grid Display slides in columns 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6
gutter Spacing between columns small, medium, large, collapse, leave blank for default
count Number of images to display integer between 1 and 20


Display team member (authors) info, avatar, name, and title. Create a list of authors in _config.yml:

    name:         John Brown
    title:        Support     
    avatar:       avatar-john.png
    name:         Evan Wells
    title:        Support    
    avatar:       avatar-evan.png

Use the following include to add team members to a page:

{% include 
  authors="evan, john, sara, alex, tom, daniel" 


Attribute Description Choices
authors Authors to display Comma-separated list of authors, leave blank to display all authors


Display clickable cards with video lightbox, use the following include to add video cards to a page:

{% include videos.html 


Attribute Description Choices
block Block posts to display block file name without extension
grid Display slides in columns 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6
gutter Spacing between columns small, medium, large, collapse, leave blank for default
card_style Display slides as card style default, primary, secondary, leave blank for borderless style

Example of video block post:

title: Creating Pages

Praesent tincidunt elit, eget sagittis turpis ornare non mauris non leo tortor.

Call to action

Use the following include to add a call to action to a page:

{% include cta.html 


Attribute Description Choices
block Block posts to display block file name without extension
layout Chose from one column layout, two column layout, three column layout with a middle column displaying a play icon for popup lightbox video 1, 2, 3

Example of video block post for layout 1:

title: Learn why switch to Jekyll

Dignissim quis turpis quis, semper vehicula dolor. Suspendisse tincidunt consequat quam, ac posuere leo dapibus id.

Example of video block post for layouts 1 and 2:

title: Create your new website today!
subtitle: Dignissim quis turpis quis, semper vehicula dolor. Suspendisse tincidunt consequat quam, ac posuere leo dapibus id. Cras fringilla convallis elit, at eleifend mi interdum.
  style: primary
  text: Join Us
  blank: true

Example of video block post for layout 3:

title: Learn why switch to Jekyll

Dignissim quis turpis quis, semper vehicula dolor. Suspendisse tincidunt consequat quam, ac posuere leo dapibus id.


Display contents of a block post, either as one column layout 1-1 or two column layout with one column displaying title and subtitle, and the second column displaying content, use one of layout width settings 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6 for two column layout, this will set the content column width.

{% include block.html 


Attribute Description Choices
block Block posts to display block file name without extension
layout Width of the content column 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6
block_title Disable diplaying block title false
align Display title/subtitle column on the right right

Latest blog posts

Display latest blog posts (no pagination, suitable as a short section, for full blog page see bellow under “Blog” heading), use the following include:

{% include blog.html 


Attribute Description Choices
grid Display slides in columns 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6
gutter Spacing between columns small, medium, large, collapse, leave blank for default
count Number of post to display integer
view_all Display “View All” link to blog page blog page permalink e.g. /blog/


Use the following include:

{% include search.html %}


Use the following include:

{% include mailchimp.html %}

Set Mailchimp form_action and hidden_name values in _congig.yml, the bellow example values are dummy for illustration purpose only:

  form_action:    ";id=e6e94847464"
  hidden_name:    "b_2e56c123105fcd37e5dab02bd_e68475657"

Get the values for form_action and hidden_name from your mailchimp embed form:

Get form_action value from:

<form action=";id=e6e94847464" method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class="validate" target="_blank" novalidate>

Get hidden_name value from:

<input type="text" name="b_2e56c123105fcd37e5dab02bd_e68475657" tabindex="-1" value="">

Google map

Get a Google maps API key here: and add it to _config.yml:

google_maps_api_key: nd7h4end8rnflkfif8ifrjmfjf

Use the following include to insert map to a page:

{% include map.html 


Attribute Description Choices
latitude Location latitude  
longitude Location longitude  
zoom Zoom level integer 0 to 20
style Map theme silver, dark, leave blank for default

Follow the steps below to get the latitude and longitude coordinates for a location on Google Maps:

  1. Open Google Maps in a browser.
  2. Right-click the exact location on the map for which you require coordinates.
  3. Select What’s here from the context menu that appears. The map displays a card at the bottom of the screen. Find the latitude and longitude coordinates in the last row of the card.

Frequently asked questions

Create FAQ post in _faqs folder (categories are optional):

title: Do you provide customer support?
categories: [presale]

Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit...

Use the following include to add FAQs to a page:

{% include faqs.html 


Attribute Description Choices
multiple Display multiple FAQs open at the same time without one collapsing when the other one is opened true
category Specifying category is optional, if not defined all FAQ posts will be displayed.  

Formspree contact form

Submit the form and confirm your email address at FormSpree. Then add the following include to a page, replacing the email address:

{% include formspree.html 


Attribute Description Choices
email FormSpree form email  
redirect Where to redirect the user after submission page permalink
name Display name field true
subject Display subject field true
layout Stacked or horizontal layout horizontal, leave blank for stacked layout

Google Analytics

To enable Google Analytics, add the following lines to your Jekyll site:

  google_analytics: UA-NNNNNNNN-N

Google Analytics will only appear in production, i.e., JEKYLL_ENV=production


Create portfolio posts in _portfolio folder (topics is optional for filter option):

title: Shoreditch
image: portfolio-1-thumb.jpg
topics: [United Kingdom]

Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit...

Use the following include to add a portfolio to a page: {% raw %}

{% include portfolio.html 


Attribute Description Choices
grid Display slides in columns 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6
gutter Spacing between columns small, medium, large, collapse, leave blank for default
filter Display topics filter true
title Display title bellow image or on image overlay bellow, leave blank for overlay position


By default blog is displayed under /blog/ permalink and blog page can be found in /blog/index.html location. Blog options can be modified in _config.yml:

paginate:           6               # Number of posts displayed on blog page
paginate_path:      "/blog/:num/"   # Blog path

Creating your first post in Jekyll

To create a new post, you can create a new markdown file inside the _posts directory by following the recommended file naming format:


Where YEAR is a four-digit number, MONTH and DAY are both two-digit numbers, and MARKUP is the file extension representing the format used in the file. For example, the following are examples of valid post filenames:

Post requires front matter, everything in between the first and second — are part of the YAML Front Matter, and everything after the second — will be rendered with Markdown and show up as “Content”. The following is a post file with different configurations you can add as an example:

title: How To Travel On Low Budget

You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run bundle exec jekyll serve, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.

Enabling comments (via Disqus)

Optionally, if you have a Disqus account, you can tell Jekyll to use it to show a comments section below each post. To enable it, add the following lines to your Jekyll site:

    shortname: my_disqus_shortname

You can find out more about Disqus’ shortnames here.

Comments are enabled by default and will only appear in production, i.e., JEKYLL_ENV=production. If you don’t want to display comments for a particular post you can disable them by adding comments: false to that post’s YAML Front Matter.

Content includes


Add alerts to content using the following include:

{% include alert.html style="primary" text="Cras at dolor eget urna varius faucibus tempus in elit." %}


Attribute Description Choices
text Alert text string
style Alert style primary, success, warning, danger, leave blank for default


Add labels to content using the following include:

{% include label.html text="Success" style="success" %}


Attribute Description Choices
text Label text string
style Label style success, warning, danger, leave blank for primary


Add buttons to content using the following include:

{% include button.html text="Button text" url="#" style="primary" size="xlarge" width="full" %}


Attribute Description Choices
text Button text string
url Button url page permalink or full URL
style Button style default, primary, success, warning, danger, primary-outline, success-outline, warning-outline, danger-outline, custom hex or rgb color value
size Button size small, large, xlarge, leave blank for default size
width Button will take up full width full

Scroll to top

Add scroll to top icon to content using the following include:

{% include totop.html %}

For general markdown syntax see Cheatsheet.


Set your language code in _config.yml:

lang: en

Theme strings can be translated in _data/base/translation.yml, copy the current English translation and paste it below the Eglish translation, then replace en with your language code that you set in _config.yml and translate the strings.

  previous:                   "Previous"
  next:                       "Next"
  related_articles:           "Related Articles"
  related_posts:              "Related Posts"
  read_more:                  "Read more"
  by:                         "By"
  share_twitter:              "Share on Twitter"
  share_facebook:             "Share on Facebook"
  search_placeholder:         "Search for answers"
  search_no_results:          "No results found"
  mobile_nav_site:            "Menu"
  contact_name:               "Name"
  contact_email:              "Email"
  contact_subject:            "Subject"
  contact_message:            "Message"
  contact_send:               "Send"


To modify the primary color, open /_sass/theme/variables.scss and replace the color values e.g.:

$global-primary-background:                   #05c896;

Further style customization can be done in the following files:



Build process

Install UIkit font end framework dependency via Npm:

npm install

Enable live browser reload with the following:

bundle exec jekyll s --livereload

Use the following commands to compile js scripts:

npm run dev

Compile and minify:

npm run build


There are two hook include files that simplify adding content or scripts in the theme locations:

  • _includes/hook-head.html
  • _includes/hook-pre-closing-body.html

Contacting support

Customer support is provided through our Envato item page contact form for up to six months from the purchase date and is provided Monday to Friday during the business week. We aim to answer all support requests daily, most are handled within 24h.

Sources and credits